Poems by Rina

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Zvijezde padalice
Zauzimam pola kubika ovog neba
miriše na hladno i tamno plavo
poprimam oblik utora azbestnog krova
a one gore izgaraju kao žigice
Misaoni eksperiment šapuće mi
“Što da klizne ti kontrola,
trzneš se,
skotrljaš s krova?”
Zauzimam pola kubika ovog stropa
polomljena fino stapam se u madrac
komadić lampe gasne u zraku
malo teškom od prašine


Falling Stars
I embody half a cubic meter of this sky,
it smells of cold and mazarine blue,
I’m filling the grooves of an asbestos roof
while those above are burning like matches
Thought experiment breathes:
“And what if you lose control,
roll off the roof?”
I embody half a cubic meter of this ceiling,
broken, I’m nicely blending into mattress,
fragments of the lamp are fading in the air,
a little heavy with the dust

kroz tanko staklo lomi se svjetlo
zarezuje kristale na pruženim rukama
dublje, razbija tamnije boje
stvara siluetu meku i slijepu
pogledam gore u površinu
odlučim još jednu sekundu usporiti
možda s tobom zauvijek ostati
fali mi zraka
ispustila sam ga da
krećem se glatko

Into a Dive

light refracts through thin glass

cutting the crystals on the arms reached out

into the deep, breaking down darkish colors

drawing a silhouette, soft and blind

as I take a look up at the surface,

I will slow down just another second

to stay with you forever, maybe

I’m short of breath

I’ve let it out to quietly


move smoothly





Rina Baljak, XV. gimnazija